A Transformative Social Investing Platform

Brings Retail Investors Together

Challenges Faced By Modern Investors

Fragmented Retail Investor

Inequalities in resources, advanced systems, and relevant knowledge

Information Overload

Making incorrect decisions. Discouraged to continue learning and investing

Excessive AI Reliance

Inadequate model selection or over dependent on unreliable models.

Our Solution

Zenix introduces “Enclave” and “Competitive Trading Event Management” to transform social trading landscape. Enclave’s social collaboration tools empower users to build collective expertise and invest toward common goals. Innovative trading competition features drive Enclave leaders to continuously innovate, delivering value to the community.

Enclave Investment Group

Enclaves are investment groups founded by individual elite investors , each focusing on distinct themes. There are two types of Enclaves on Zenix:

  • Social Trading Enclave: where elite investors provide services of showcasing investment intelligence (model, analysis, portfolio…etc)

  • Investment Club Enclave: A team of investors pool their funds for collective investments, maximizing profit potential and mitigating risks.

Competitive Trading Event Management

Investing on Zenix offers a fantastic social experience filled with enjoyment!! A unique trading contest event management system allows users to design and host their preferred trading contests.

How Zenix work?

Episode 1: The Challenges of Modern Investors

Ella is a young professional employed at a pharmaceutical company with a strong passion for stock investments. However, the overwhelming volume of information and investment choices often leaves her feeling lost in a maze.

Jake, a talented data scientist employed at a tech company, is working on a model predicting Pharma ETFs’ movement. He's been tinkering with various models, but he's hit a roadblock. He needs domain knowledge to refine the features.

Episode 2: The Invitation from “Zenix”

Jake invited several of his friends to join his newly created "ETF Movement Prediction Enclave" on Zenix. Here, he intended to showcase his prediction model and seek collaboration.

Meanwhile, Ella's friend introduced her to Zenix. The Enclaves on Zenix offer her an opportunity to network and co-invest with like-minded individuals. Ella discovered different AI models and investment strategies. She was fascinated by how this community collaborated and how AI was making a meaningful impact on investment decisions.

Episode 3: Collaborative Trading

Ella joined Jake's Enclave, where she quickly became an active member. She shared her valuable industry domain knowledge and connected with knowledgeable investors. Together, they engaged in meaningful discussions, debated investment ideas, and actively contributed to refine Jake's prediction model. The improved model also benefited Ella’s investment.

Episode 4: Competitive Investing

Each Enclave's investment performance was published on a leaderboard for all to see. The leading Enclaves always won more followers and resources. Another Enclave challenged Jake's team to a head-to-head competition! The stakes are high, with the group that delivers the highest profit ratio and prediction accuracy within a week claiming victory. Excitement runs through the entire Enclave.

Episode 5: Jake’s New Venture

The competition was streamed live on the platform, drawing the attention of a vast audience. Within a week, Jake's Enclave gained 5000 new followers, ultimately emerging as the contest's victors. Their model also piqued the interest of investment bankers, who initiated discussions about potential partnerships. Meanwhile, a team member proposed the idea of launching a paid subscription model for the Enclave. At this point, Jake's Enclave stood at the verge of transforming into a revenue generating enterprise.